International Elephant FoundationRead More
Vision Statement
We are the catalyst for creating a sustainable future where elephants thrive by linking people and elephants for their mutual long-term benefit.
Mission Statement
IEF creates a sustainable future for elephants. We generate and effectively invest resources to support elephant conservation, education, research, and management programs worldwide. Through our passion, expertise, knowledge, and partnerships we inspire and engage people to ensure a vibrant future with elephants everywhere.
Things to Know About IEF
- IEF was formed in 1998 by managers and directors of facilities that manage elephants in human care.
- IEF has provided almost $5 million to elephant conservation and research programs internationally since inception.
- IEF has supported over 120 elephant conservation and research programs.
- The current board has over 350 years of accumulative experience in wildlife and elephant handling, management, research and conservation.
- Since inception, over 85% of funds raised have gone to conservation and research programs.
- Board members receive no compensation for time spent on IEF business.
- IEF has supported Elephant Conservation Centers in Sumatra since 2000.
- IEF produced the Elephant Husbandry Resource Guide in 2004, the most recognized document on elephant management. The second addition is being worked on now.
- IEF awards conservation and research grants annually.
Mandai NatureRead More
Mandai Nature aims to advance efforts for nature conservation in Asia, with a focus on protecting threatened species from extinction, protecting and restoring ecosystems, driving nature-based solutions to mitigate climate change, and creating benefits for local communities.
We deliver impact by supporting local organisations on the ground through funding, development of capacity and skills, and by linking local and global agendas.
Our role is to create solutions, enable and catalyse action, help scale up conservation efforts, and support organisations and experts.
Mandai Nature proudly hosts the IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) secretariat as well as the IUCN SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group (CPSG) Southeast Asia Resource Centre.
Based in Singapore, Mandai Nature was established in December 2020 by Temasek and Mandai Park Holdings, the parent entity of Mandai Wildlife Group.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceRead More
We are a bureau within the Department of the Interior.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the premier government agency dedicated to the conservation, protection, and enhancement of fish, wildlife and plants, and their habitats.We are the only agency in the federal government whose primary responsibility is the conservation and management of these important natural resources for the American public.
The Service’s origins date back to 1871 when Congress established the U.S. Fish Commission to study the decrease in the nation’s food fishes and recommend ways to reverse that decline. (More on our history below.) Today, we are a diverse and largely decentralized organization, employing about 8,000 dedicated professionals working out of facilities across the country, including a headquarters office in Falls Church, Virginia, and eight regional offices representing the 12 Unified Interior Regions.
Our Organization and Leadership
The headquarters office has primary responsibility for policy formulation and budget allocation within major program areas, while the regional offices have primary responsibility for implementation of these policies and management of field operations. This decentralized organizational structure allows us to address wildlife issues effectively at the regional, state and local level, as well as work effectively with a variety of partners, including private landowners, tribes, states, other federal agencies, and nongovernmental organizations.
Our Director, supported by two Deputy Directors, oversees our national programs, managed by programmatic assistant directors and the Service’s regions, each overseen by a regional director. See our organizational chart for more detail.
Our Mission is to
Work with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.
Welttierschutzgesellschaft ev. (wtg)Read More
Animal welfare starts with humans Welttierschutzgesellschaft E.V. (WTG) is a non-profit animal welfare organisation based in Berlin (Germany).
Our vision is a world, in which animals are appreciated and treated with respect according to their needs. In our work for animal welfare we focus on countries and regions with little protection for animals.
All over the world animals are neglected, mistreated, abused and killed inhumanely. We aim to improve the situation for animals in the long-term i. e. by providing veterinary care, supporting animal sanctuaries and through our educational work. Therefore, we cooperate with local partnerorganisations and involve the people who are directly concerned.
In emergency situations such as natural disasters or acute animal threats, we provide immediate assistance.
International animal welfare also starts at our own doorstep which is why we also create awareness in Germany, to improve the relationship between humans and animals. In all of our work our charity stands for a high level of transparency.
Our work is based on three pillars
We are highly committed to improve the living conditions of animals in the long-term. With that in mind we chose our projects and our partners according to clear guidelines.
To help raise animal welfare standards worldwide, Welttierschutzstiftung and Welttierschutzgesellschaft developed the programme VETS UNITED in 2015.
National Campaigning
International animal welfare also starts at our own doorstep which is why we create awareness in Germany to improve the relationship between humans and animals.
IEP (International Elephant Project)Read More
The International Elephant Project (IEP) is a not-for-profit project for elephant conservation, rainforest protection and local community partnerships, in order to protect an save the entire ecosystem and biodiversity of habitats shared by elephants. Run by The Orangutan Project (TOP) Board, IEP was formed to conserve elephant’s entire ecosystem in a holistic manner.
That all Sumatran elephants live in the wild in secure and viable populations.
Mission Statement
To promote the survival of the Sumatran and Bornean elephants in their natural habitat by undertaking genuine, measurable and effective elephant conservation.
The International Elephant Project (IEP) is a not-for-profit project for elephant conservation, rainforest protection and local community partnerships, in order to protect an save the entire ecosystem and biodiversity of habitats shared by elephants. Run by The Orangutan Project (TOP) Board, IEP was formed to conserve elephant’s entire ecosystem in a holistic manner.
The organisation provides technical and financial assistance directly to on-the-ground conservation projects. The objectives of the IEP have many flow-on effects that both protect other Critically Endangered species, such as the orangutan, tiger, and rhino, as well as indigenous communities and the remaining rainforest in Borneo and Sumatra.
Our major strategy is to radio collar and elephant and each herd and track the herds by satellite. We then have our Human Elephant Conflict Mitigation teams follow the herds and work with local communities to see that both elephants and humans remain safe and live in harmony. Saving the rainforest is the single most cost-effective way to save our planet. Protecting the rainforest means protecting the lifeblood of our earth, and our vital stores of carbon.
The elephant’s rainforest habitat is disappearing at an unprecedented rate. And much of what remains is degraded by drought, forest fires and illegal logging. This destruction is also inflicting a massive amount of suffering on a species that is highly intelligent and self-aware. Tragically, extinction in the wild is likely for both Sumatran and Bornean elephants if we do not take immediate action
TFCA SumateraRead More
The TFCA-Sumatra program is directed to produce real and significant impacts on forest conservation on the island of Sumatra, so that the TFCA-Sumatra Vision and Mission in accordance with the 2015-2020 TFCA-Sumatra Strategic Plan are as follows:
Conservation of Tropical Forest Biodiversity to Support Sustainable Development in Sumatra
Facilitating activities for conservation, protection, restoration and sustainable use of tropical forests in Sumatra
TFCA-Sumatra will work with the following 4 objectives:
- Strengthening of institutions and policies at all levels of administration and stakeholders. This includes the involvement of the private sector and the community to improve the effectiveness of forest management and endangered species, as well as to ensure the sustainability of forest resources;
- Strengthening intervention efforts at landscape level management in order to maintain, protect and enhance the ecological function of forests, reduce deforestation and degradation and carry out ecological restoration of degraded forests;
- Ensure the sustainability and availability of long-term viable populations for the preservation of key species which are endangered and are flagship species for Sumatra, including the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), the Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii), and Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus);
- Strengthening communities and local communities, increasing welfare and income, and designing incentives for community involvement in forest conservation, protection and management.
TFCA-Sumatra translates these four objectives into appropriate intervention actions for each intervention level below:
1) Institutional and policy levels;
2) Landscape level (including forest, habitat and population); and
3) Community level
Asian Elephant SupportRead More
Asian Elephant Support (AES) is a U.S. Non-profit foundation dedicated to the care and conservation of Asian elephants in their range countries, and to the people whose lives are intertwined with this magnificent and endangered species. Elephants throughout Southeast Asia need help from donors. The number of elephants is declining in all regions, and injuries and deaths are increasing due to overwork and abuse as well as conflict between free-ranging elephants and humans.
As board members of a foundation that supports elephant care and conservation, we have seen how difficult it is to manage an organization dedicated to helping elephants in their native countries. We believe that the lessons learned from our individual work with various elephant projects offer guidance and insight that will help our board and donors evaluate choices for their contributions to the care of individual elephants and the future of the species.
Contributors to a foundation’s mission must be confident that their contributions both will be used to meet the expressed goals of the foundation and are compliant with tax law. At Asian Elephant Support, the goal of helping elephants is organically linked to both its code of best practices and its strict supervision over funds as per compliance requirements.
We want our donors to be confident that we value their financial support and their gifts will meet our Mission Statement’s objectives following our Best Practices guidelines while impeccably following U.S. tax law.