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Wildlife Rescue
Another important task of the ERU teams is to detect and rescue injured, sick, or trapped wildlife. A wide variety of different wildlife species have been rescued so far, ranging from various bird and snake species, Monitor lizards, Muntjac deer, Sambar deer, wild boar, crocodiles, and elephants. In most cases wildlife is found trapped in different types of snare or net traps, or suffer from injuries caused by different kinds of illegal hunting incidents. In cases where animals appear to be in good condition and only suffer from minor injuries, the animals are freed from snares or traps and immediately released into the forest. For treatment of minor injuries, the ERU teams carry basic first aid kids which include antiseptic for wound cleansing and disinfection.
In cases where animals suffer serious injuries or illness which require more intensive and longer lasting treatments, these animals are evacuated to the ERU camps or to the WKNP-ECC for treatment. For treatment of such animals the WKNP veterinary team and the Syiah Kuala University Veterinary Faculty’s Wildlife Ambulance, in collaboration with KHS, provide the needed veterinary care.
The most significant and intensive cases during the past years have been the rescue of several injured or sick elephant calves found injured, sick, and abandoned for unknown reasons or trapped in old wells inside the WKNP. Not only elephant calves have been treated, in some cases even adult elephants stuck in muddy moats in certain parts of the WKNP, or suffering severe wound infections have been treated and rescued.