Project Achievements

The ERUs have become a very successful and important part of the WKNP habitat protection and HEC mitigation strategy. The successful implementation of the day to day field work is ensured by teams of highly motivated and skilled staff from the National Park in close collaboration with local communities.  

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The works of the WAY Kambas ERU is benefitting more than 20 communities with a  total population of more than 72.000 people around the Way Kambas NP. Due to the massive decrease in the loss of crops, and thus income, local communities have become much more willing to withdraw from most illegal activities inside the NP such as logging, cultivation, poaching, and cattle grazing and have become willing to accept the ERU’s law enforcement role for the protection of the NP area as undisturbed habitat for wild elephants. This has led to a reduction of such illegal activities by more than 90% in the Bungur-TegalYoso area.

In the ERUs also the welfare of the captive elephants utilized has much been improved due to better handling and management of the elephants and improved skills of mahouts (elephant handlers) Therefor the ERU and also giving the much-needed examples for good and welfare conform management of captive elephants and its employment for conservation in Indonesia.